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Best of Gourmet, 1988: All of the Beautifully Illustrated Menus from 1987 Plus over 500 Selected Recipes

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Cornmeal crêpe gâteau with corn and peppers 1
Cantaloupe sorbet and vanilla ice-cream bombe 1

Recipes listed from this edition: 2

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Cantaloupe sorbet and vanilla ice-cream bombe reviewed by Mary O

11th June 2014

When I received my Gourmet magazine in the summer of 1988, I thought they were psychic when I saw their beautiful photo of this ice-cream bombe because I had just bought a melon mold at a thrift shop. It takes time but not much effort to make. You puree...
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Cornmeal crêpe gâteau with corn and peppers reviewed by Mary O

11th June 2014

When I received the Gourmet magazine in the summer of 1988, I immediately made this recipe and it was easy and delicious. The fact that the crepes used cornmeal appealed to this southern girl (remember it was 1988). The filling has all of my favorite...
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