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101 Healthy Eats ("Good Food")

Recent Reviews

Gingery Compote Crunch reviewed by friederike

19th January 2013

I'm not really sure how to rate this. If I only look at the result, I'd tend to give it a 3-star rating because it's really plain - but it's really easy and really quick, too, and for that little amount of effort you put into it, it's actually quite good!...
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Vegetable Tagine with Chickpeas and Raisins reviewed by friederike

5th February 2012

Nice but not particularly mind-blowing. It needs a lot more spices than specified (try using the double amount), and I felt that the sauce was too much liquid too - either cut back on the amount of liquid added, or try to make the sauce thicker one way...
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Chicken Hoisin Wraps reviewed by friederike

31st August 2011

A very delicious and quickly prepared fake version of Peking Duck, if you have chicken leftovers from another dish. We tried using Oyster Sauce once because we ran out of Hoisin Sauce - don't, it doesn't work at all.
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Sticky Maple Pork with Apples reviewed by friederike

29th August 2011

Really, really good! Comparable to Nigel Slater's Pork with Pears, but much better! It had pork, it had apple, it had plenty of that sweet, savoury and sticky sauce, it was just really good. And it was quick, too! The biggest problem here was getting...
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