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The All New Ultimate Southern Living Cookbook: Over 1,250 of Our Best Recipes (Southern Living (Hardcover Oxmoor))

Popular Recipes

Grand Marnier Soufflés 1
Adobo Grilled Pork Tacos with Cucumber-Radish Salsa 1
Honey Chicken Salad 1
Banana Nut Bread 1
Best Barbecue Coleslaw 1
Maple Spareribs 1

Recipes listed from this edition: 6

Average recipe rating (6 reviews)

Recent Reviews

Grand Marnier Soufflés reviewed by friederike

25th December 2014

Really, really nice. We served it with this chocolate sauce, which unfortunately didn't work that - the flavour of the Grand Marnier is very subtle, and didn't hold up against the earthy chocolate sauce. Next time I would probably add some grated orange...
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Maple Spareribs reviewed by friederike

16th June 2014

Quite nice, though in my mind they don't quite compare to the ones I made many years ago. I do realize, though, that memories can be deceiving - I'll have to make that other recipe soon again! We did the oven variant, and I was curious if it would work...
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Best Barbecue Coleslaw reviewed by friederike

16th June 2014

Very nice. I'm afraid I didn't shred the cabbage fine enough - next time I'll have to find out if that's something I can use the kitchen machine for. The pepper mill accidentally broke when I was adding pepper, which resulted in a few half-crushed pepper...
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Banana Nut Bread reviewed by friederike

7th August 2013

Very delicious, moist, nice in flavour. A bit on the fluffy side, while I would have preferred a dense cake, but I won't complain, finally a banana bread recipe that works (somehow I've never been that lucky until now). Next time I might add in the spices...
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