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German Cooking Today: The Original.

Recent Reviews

Braised Beetroot / Rote-Bete-Gemüse reviewed by friederike

1st October 2012

A very simple but very delicious side dish. It's actually very similar to Moro's Beetroot with Yoghurt, but then less exotic. I definitely liked the addition of bacon, but I guess you could serve it with anything that is small, salty and crunchy instead.
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Grilled Oyster Mushrooms with Tomato and Bacon / Gegrillte Austernpilze mit Tomaten und Speck reviewed by friederike

1st October 2012

Grilling the oyster mushrooms (in the oven, in our case) didn't really bring out the best in them. Additionally, because of the bacon it wasn't possible to add any salt to the mushrooms because otherwise you would oversalt the dish as a whole; the salty...
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Tiramisu reviewed by friederike

13th June 2012

I made this around ten years ago. I vaguely remember that the first time around it was brilliant (even though our attempt to bake our own biscuit failed miserably), and the second time it was far too liquid, and I had no idea why, and the recipe sunk...
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Potato Salad with Mayonnaise / Kartoffelsalat mit Mayonnaise reviewed by friederike

13th June 2012

Potato Salad such as it should be. Very delicious, classic with pickled gherkins and mayonnaise (but not too much either), and not with cucumber and no mayonnaise at all, like this version. If you use sausages, though, be warned: much depends on their...
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