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The Art of Pasta

Recent Reviews

Black Ravioli with Snapper and Prawn / Zwarte ravioli met snapper en garnalen reviewed by friederike

12th September 2013

Soooo delicious! Additionally, the black pasta dough looked really cool. We only needed 8g of ink (don't know how much that is in tbsps, but I guess less than the 1 tbsp required) to produce a beautiful black pasta dough. Instead making the ravioli...
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Beetroot Ravioli / Casunziei reviewed by friederike

18th August 2012

It's very delicious, it's beautiful (though not as brilliant as theirs is - see photo, mine left, theirs right), but make sure you start early enough with preparations! I was a bit worried that if I'd follow the instructions and peel and cut the beetroot...
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Classic Bolognese Sauce reviewed by friederike

12th August 2012

Very nice! It was quite a lot of work (mainly prepping all the ingredients) and had to simmer for quite a while, so this isn't what you should plan for a midweek dinner, but it tasted nice. It contained only a few spoons of tomato purée - I think I would...
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Basic Pasta Dough reviewed by friederike

12th August 2012

A few things were vague about the recipe, such as when to add the salt, or if you had to point the dough in a specific direction when rolling it out for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th time, but all in all, it worked! And it tasted quite nice. We had our pasta with...
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