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Isa Does It: Amazingly Easy, Wildly Delicious Vegan Recipes for Every Day of the Week

Popular Recipes

Chicky tuna salad sandwiches 1
New England Glam Chowder 1
Pesto Soup with Beans, Greens and Gnocchi 1

Recipes listed from this edition: 3

Average recipe rating (3 reviews)

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Chicky tuna salad sandwiches reviewed by redjanet

1st July 2018

This is an excellent substitute if you are missing tuna salad sandwiches at all. Even if you've never had tuna salad, this is a terrific sandwich filler. The crunch and texture is very satisfying, especially on toast. That said, I have trouble waiting...
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Pesto Soup with Beans, Greens and Gnocchi reviewed by vanessaveg

22nd December 2015

Maybe my expectations were not properly managed by calling this pesto. Despite the cup of fresh basil, I found this soup on the bland side. It's healthy though-ingredients include pureed cauliflower, garlic and Swiss chard. There is a small amount of...
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New England Glam Chowder reviewed by vanessaveg

17th February 2015

The "clam" comes from a mix of shiitake and button mushrooms, however Isa says you can do all shiitake if you feel generous-I did the mix and it tasted fine. The mushrooms provided the chewiness I remember from clams-granted, I haven't had a clam in 20...
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