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Website: Habeas Brulee

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Pomegranate Ginger Saffron Braised Lamb Neck 1
Walnut Chicken 1

Recipes listed from this website: 2

Average recipe rating (2 reviews)

Recent Reviews

Walnut Chicken reviewed by friederike

22nd January 2010

I wasn't too enthusiastic about this dish. The ground walnuts made the sauce somewhat granular, and also the sauce tasted slightly of something that I didn't add to the sauce, although I forgot quite what it was (I made this dish at least four month ago,...
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Pomegranate Ginger Saffron Braised Lamb Neck reviewed by friederike

19th January 2010

Extremely delicious, definitively a keeper! We had it with Escalivada, which was nice, but a more typical Middle Eastern side dish would have been a good choice as well.
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