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Jane Grigson's Vegetable Book

Popular Recipes

Leek and Potato Soup 1
Palestine Soup 1
Spinach and Yoghurt Salad 1

Recipes listed from this edition: 3

Average recipe rating (3 reviews)

Recent Reviews

Spinach and Yoghurt Salad reviewed by Sovay

15th May 2013

Nice and simple - good hot as well as cold though it needs to be heated through with care to prevent curdling. Cinnamon is never my first choice of spice in a savoury dish but it works well enough here, though I may try cumin instead next time.
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Palestine Soup reviewed by bunyip

28th March 2010

Jerusalem artichokes are almost more work than they're worth - you have to pick out the least knobbly specimens to keep the peeling and trimming within the bounds of reason. However, this soup, which includes bacon or ham and is blended and finished...
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Leek and Potato Soup reviewed by bunyip

28th March 2010

A variation on her potato soup at p.396. Be very careful not to brown the leeks during the intial cooking in butter.
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