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Website: The Food Network

Recent Reviews

Shredded Chicken and Tomatillo Tacos w/ Queso Fresco reviewed by jenncc

30th June 2024

This was really simple and delicious!
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Lemon Yogurt Cake (Ina) reviewed by jenncc

2nd August 2023

I love lemon and I appreciate the flavor of this cake, the texture unfortunately was a little dense. I may try this again, using room temperature ingredients, separating the egg yolks from the whites and whipping the whites before folding into the batter...
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Flour's Famous Banana Bread reviewed by jenncc

1st May 2023

I have made this many times according to the Flour Bakery cookbook recipe, this however is slightly different with less detail and more flour:). I didn't have my cookbook so I used this and was curious if there would be any notable differences in taste...
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Lemon Cake (Ina) reviewed by jenncc

10th April 2023

In my search for the perfect lemon loaf/cake this got high marks. I wish it had had a little more of a lemony punch but it was a moist and delicious, and I will be making it again!
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