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Taste of the Middle East (Creative Cooking Library)

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Tangy Beef and Herb Koresh 1
Baked Eggs with Herbs and Vegetables (Kuku Sabzi) 1

Recipes listed from this edition: 2

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Baked Eggs with Herbs and Vegetables (Kuku Sabzi) reviewed by The Ducks Guts

23rd December 2011

The other half liked it, but I found it a little bland, and even a bit odd. Think crunchy lettuce baked custard. The saffron didn't come through at all, but it was perhaps too old. However, if it gets the non-vegetable-eating member of the house to...
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Tangy Beef and Herb Koresh reviewed by The Ducks Guts

20th December 2011

This was good, and reasonably simple to make. In the first half of the cooking (which I did in the pressure cooker) I was concerned about the strong cinnamon scent, but once the lemon juice and parsley was added, it settled down and blended in. Tired...
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