Beard on Pasta
By James Beard
Random House Value Publishing - 1994
ISBN: 0517119277

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Beard on Pasta

Beard on Pasta: member book reviews

(1 review)
10th January 2016


I think this may be one of the first serious books on pasta aimed at the general cooking public published in the US (1983). It's a good read (it is James Beard after all). There are lots of "standard" pasta recipes, and lots of new-to-me variations. I haven't cooked from it yet, but looking forward to it.
Fresh pasta: Barbara Kafka's Buckwheat Noodles, Avocado Pasta, several versions of ravioli
Dry pasta: Chêvre-Tomato Spaghetti, Orzo Soufflé.
A keeper.

(edited 26th May 2016) report

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