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Ottolenghi: The Cookbook

Ottolenghi: The Cookbook: member book reviews (Single Review Display)

(4 reviews)
6th April 2013


Have dashed through the book and marked many, many recipes to try. First impressions ...
- Lots of wasted space. Pages and pages lost to photographs, full page pics of dishes (of minor use) and other food-related stuff (of no use at all). I have the feeling that something like 1/4 of the pages are photographs. No wonder the book is so expensive!
- Way too many recipes for sweets in relation to real food.
- This is clearly not a book aimed at beginning cooks, but there are overly detailed instructions for things like peeling tomatoes which you probably already know how to do. Weird.
- Font is difficult to read.
Will update comments after cooking from this a bit.


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