jjmcgaffey's Profile

Joined: November 14th, 2009

Latest review:

December 17th, 2009

Master Recipe - Boule from Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day: The Discovery That Revolutionizes Home Baking

The recipe was extremely easy to mix up; I used some very old yeast, but I'd stored it in the freezer where it keeps pretty much forever (in a jar, so no problem with the packet getting wet). I did it... read more >

recipe reviews (1)
book reviews (2)
useful review votes (1)

jjmcgaffey's Bookshelf

170 book(s). Click the title of a book to start adding your recipe and book reviews.

TitleTagsRatings & Reviews

The How-To Canning Book

By Anne Borella
Benjamin Co (1974), Paperback, 128 pages - 1974

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

The Good Goodies Recipes for Natural Snacks 'N' Sweets

By Stan Dworkin, Floss Dworkin
Rodales Press, Inc. - 1975

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

Cookies for Youthful Appetites

By G&R Publishing
G&R Publishing, 1993, paperback - 1993

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

The Complete Book of Bread & Bread Machines

By Christine Ingram
Anness Publishing Limited, 2008, paperback - 2008

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

A chef's notebook

By Robert K Engel
Full Circle Press - 1987

cooking, _ultb, !LibP

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

Cook's Illustrated Annual 2000

By Cook's Illustrated Editors
Boston Common Press Limited Partnership - 1999

cooking, !YS

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 2 my recipe reviews 0

Fabulous Feasts: Medieval Cookery and Ceremony

By Madeleine Pelner Cosman
George Braziller - 1999

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, _red, _hardcover, SCA, SCA:Cooking

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

Festive Baking: Holiday Classics in the Swiss, German, and Austrian Traditions

By Sarah Kelly Iaia, David Parkins, Marcia Sewall, Raymond J. Healy, J. Francis McComas, Hal Leonard Corp., Bonni Leon
Doubleday - 1988

cooking, Cooking:Baking, !Amazon

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 2 my recipe reviews 0

Home Cooking in Minutes

By Marcia Cone
Simon & Schuster - 1992

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, _hardcover, Cooking:Quick, _ultb

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 2 my recipe reviews 0

Simply the Best Recipes with 5 Ingredients or Less

By anonymous
Cookbook Publishers, Inc. - 1998

cooking, !YS

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

The Baking Book

By Lloyd Moxon
Delair Pub. Co. - 1981

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, _hardcover, Cooking:Bread

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

Christmas Cookies

By Nancy C. Berzinec
Wellspring, Pub. - 1991

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, Cooking:Cookies, _ultb

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

The Compleat American Housewife 1776

By Julianne Belote, Pauline Baynes, Peter S. Beagle, David Daiches, Barbra Von Amelsfort, McCall's Publications, Various, Various, Nanina Comstock, Craig Torlucci
Nitty Gritty Productions - 1974

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, _red

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 2 my recipe reviews 0

Complete Guide to Home Canning, Preserving and Freezing

By United States Department of Agriculture
Dover Publications Inc. - 1974

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, Cooking:Canning

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 2 my recipe reviews 0

The Complete Tightwad Gazette

By Amy Dacyczyn
Villard - 1998

reference, !dunno, Household, Reference:Household, Finance, Reference:Household:Finance, _Omnibus:CTW

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 2 my recipe reviews 0

Cooking Secrets of the CIA: Favorite Recipes from the Culinary Institute

By Culinary Institute of America, Ann H. Harvey, Mary Jo Plutt, Linda Henry, Jodi Evert, Erni Young, Pavlina Eccless
Chronicle Books - 1995

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, _red

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

Euell Gibbons' Beachcomber's Handbook

By Euell Gibbons
David McKay Co - 2000

cooking, travel, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, _red, _read

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

Make-Ahead Meals (Creative Cuisine Series)

By Mary Shepherd
Hp Books - 1985

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, Cooking:Quick

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0


By Maria Luisa Scott, Jack Denton Scott
Random House Inc (T) - 1985

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, _hardcover

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 2 my recipe reviews 0

Bake and Freeze Desserts: 130 Do-Ahead Cakes, Pies, Cookies, Brownies, Bars, Ice Creams, Terrines, and Sorbets

By Elinor Klivans
William Morrow & Co - 1994

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, _hardcover, Cooking:Desserts

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

Book of Tarts: Form, Function, and Flavor at the City Bakery

By Maury Rubin
Cookbooks - 1995

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, _hardcover, Cooking:Pie

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 2 my recipe reviews 0

Christmas Gifts of Good Taste, 1991 Edition

By Leisure Arts
Leisure Arts Inc. - 1991

cooking, !dunno, _hardcover, Cooking:Holiday

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

The complete dairy foods cookbook: How to make everything from cheese to custard in your own kitchen

By Annie Proulx
Rodale Press - 1982

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, Cooking:Dairy

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

Cookies for Christmas: Fifty of the Best Cookie Recipes for Holiday Gift Giving, Decorating, and Eating

By Maria P. Robbins
St. Martin's Griffin - 1993

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, Cooking:Cookies, _amazoncover

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 2 my recipe reviews 0

From the Recipe Files of the C.I.A. (PBS Cooking)

By Culinary Inst of America
Marjorie Poore Productions - 1996

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, _red

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 2 my recipe reviews 0

The Portable Feast : Picnic, Lunch Box and Knapsack Fare

By Diane D. MacMillan, Ann H. Harvey, Mary Jo Plutt, Linda Henry, Jodi Evert, Erni Young
101 Productions - 1973

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, _hardcover, Cooking:Picnic

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

What to cook when you think there's nothing in the house to eat: More than 175 recipes and meal ideas

By Arthur Schwartz
HarperPerennial - 1992

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, _hardcover, Cooking:Quick

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 2 my recipe reviews 0

Better Homes and Gardens Candy (Better homes and gardens books)

By Better Homes and Gardens, Ann H. Harvey, Mary Jo Plutt, Linda Henry
Better Homes & Gardens Books - 1984

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, Cooking:Candy, _hardcover

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

Cheese and Biscuits (Country Kitchen Cookbooks)

By First Glance Books
First Glance Books - 1996

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, _hardcover

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

A Cook's Guide to Growing Herbs, Greens & Aromatics

By Mildred Owen
Knopf - 1978

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, _red, Cooking:Garden

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

The Cornell Bread Book: 54 Recipes for Nutritious Loaves, Rolls and Coffee Cakes

By Clive M. McCay, Jeanette B. McCay
Dover Publications - 1980

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, _amazoncover, Cooking:Bread

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 3 my recipe reviews 0

Eat the Weeds

By Ben Charles Harris
Keats Pub - 1995

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, Cooking:Garden

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

Felicity's Cookbook: A Peek at Dining in the Past With Meals You Can Cook Today (American Girls Pastimes)

By Polly Athan, Ann H. Harvey, Mary Jo Plutt, Linda Henry, Jodi Evert
Pleasant Company Publications - 1994

cooking, _wo, !dunno, _upgrade cover

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

The I Hate To Cook Almanack (A Book Of Days)

By Peg Bracken
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich - 1976

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

The organic grow it, cook it, preserve it guidebook,

By D. X Fenten
Grosset & Dunlap - 1972

cooking, !dunno, Cooking:Canning, Cooking:Garden

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

Putting Food By (Plume)

By Janet Greene, Ruth Hertzberg, Beatrice Vaughan
Plume - 1992

cooking, !dunno, Cooking:Canning

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 4 my recipe reviews 0

Southern Heritage Pies and Pastry Cookbook

By Ann H. Harvey
Oxmoor House - 1984

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, _hardcover, Cooking:Pie

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

Southern Living Big Book of Christmas Baking (Big Books)

By Southern Living Magazine
Oxmoor House - 1996

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, _hardcover, _amazoncover, Cooking:Desserts

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

The Up-With-Wholesome, Down-With-Store-Bought Book of Recipes and Household Formulas

By Yvonne Young Tarr
Random House Inc (P) - 1975

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, _red

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

Weight Watchers' New International Cookbook (Plume)

By Weight Watchers International
Plume - 1987

cooking, !dunno

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

The Bread Machine Cookbook IV: Whole Grains & Natural Sugars (Nitty Gritty Cookbooks) (No. 4)

By Donna Rathmell German
Bristol Publishing Enterprises Inc - 1992

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, _red, Cooking:Bread

(1 recipe review)
owned by 3 my recipe reviews 0

The complete kitchen guide: The cook's indispensable book

By Lillian Langseth-Christensen
Grosset & Dunlap - 1972

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

The County Fair Cookbook

By Lyn Stallworth, Rod Kennedy
Hyperion Books (Adult Trd Pap) - 1996

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, _amazoncover

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 2 my recipe reviews 0

Holiday Candies

By Leslie J. Wainger, Ralph Thompson, Ralph Thompson, Edward Mortelmans, Robert Lougbeed, Wesley Dennis, Wesley Dennis, Josef Hozak, Wesley Dennis, Wesley Dennis, John Mendenhall, John Mendenhall, Janet Rush, Archer-Malmo Advertising
The Kitchen Collection - 1993

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, Cooking:Candy, _ultb, Cooking:Holiday

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

Lost Arts

By Lynn Alley
Ten Speed Press - 1995

cooking, _wo, !dunno, _upgrade cover

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 2 my recipe reviews 0

New England Cooking

By Kate Cranshaw
Courage Books - 1995

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, _hardcover, _ultb

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

The Old Farmer's Almanac Colonial Cookbook

By Leslie J. Wainger, Ralph Thompson, Ralph Thompson, Edward Mortelmans, Robert Lougbeed, Wesley Dennis, Wesley Dennis, Josef Hozak, Wesley Dennis, Wesley Dennis, John Mendenhall, John Mendenhall, Janet Rush, Archer-Malmo Advertising, Clarissa M. Silitch, Jo
Yankee Books - 1982

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 2 my recipe reviews 0

Quiche Cookbook

By Tom Hilton
Three Rivers Press - 1987

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, _red

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0

Recipes for the Cuisinart: Food Processor

By James Beard, Carl Jerome
Cuisinart Cooking Club - 1978

cooking, !dunno, Manual, Cooking:Manual

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 3 my recipe reviews 0

Take a Thousand Eggs or More a Collection of 15 Th Century Recipes. A translation of medieval recipes from harlein ms. 279 (volume 1)

By Cindy Renfrow
Cindy Renfrow - 1993

cooking, _scan cover, _wo, !dunno, SCA, SCA:Cooking

(0 recipe reviews)
owned by 1 my recipe reviews 0