Simple Chinese Cooking
By Kylie Kwong
Michael Joseph Ltd - 2006
ISBN: 0718149521

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Simple Chinese Cooking
By Kylie Kwong
Studio - 2007
ISBN: 0670038482

Simple Chinese Cooking

Pork Fried Rice

Page 260

(1 review)

Tags: rice pork stir-fry fried rice chinese cooking

Recipe Review

4th January 2013

friederike from Berlin,

Mum's Fried Rice is so much better! I really enjoyed that dish because it had so many flavours - soy sauce, ginger, garlic, shaoxing, spring onion... in this dish, in contract, you could mainly taste the salty soy sauce, and that was about it.

The pork turned out pretty dry, though that would have been our fault; also, we substituted half of the pork with bacon cubes as we still had them leftover.

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