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Peter Reinhart's Artisan Breads Every Day

100% Whole Wheat Sourdough Hearth Bread

Page 88

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Recipe Review

6th April 2010

bes30 from ,

This was my second try at using a recipe that called for a sourdough starter. I was determined to use the “purist” version to test how good my sourdough starter is. Unfortunately, this recipe was not a great test for me.

I didn’t have any bannetons and the recipe says you can use the back of sheet pan to proof, so I did. Don’t do this unless you want a really flat loaf because without something to form around, the dough will just be pretty flat. The resulting loaf was about 1.5 inches thick, which is about what the picture in the book shows. I am not really familiar with what a standard sourdough loaf should be like, but I like a much thicker loaf. It could also be that my sourdough starter was not fully active enough to rise appropriately because I achieved very good results with the 100% Whole Wheat Hearth bread. For that recipe, I used a bowl lined with a floured towel and active dry yeast and I got a loaf that was about 4 inches thick, which is much better for sandwiches.

I emailed Peter and I would emphasize when making your starter for recipe to wait for it to double in size instead of 6 to 8 hours because if the mother starter you are using is very old (not refreshed in a few weeks) it will take longer to double in size and this is an important step. Mine took almost 12 hours to double.

The bread was very tasty though. The combination of the whole wheat flour and the sourdough starter make for a very well rounded bread. I also made ½ this recipe into rolls and they were very good for sandwiches and as hamburger buns.

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