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Summer Grilled Cabbage


| Course Type: Sides

(1 review)
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Tags: grilling cabbage CSA vegetable

Recipe Reviews

3rd August 2011

Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT

Wedges of cabbage, nestled in aluminum foil, and grilled till done.

These were flavored with a pat of butter, a bit of garlic salt and Lawrey's seasoning salt. I liked the easy cooked cabbage, but thought the spice combination was a bit boring. I will likely repeat - but maybe with tarragon and a wedge of lemon??

I used a gas grill - at first on medium, moved to low after about 5 minutes. You can tell that the bottom is slightly burnt - so I'd advise just keeping at low the entire time. Cooking time about 30 minutes.

(edited 3rd August 2011) (0) comment (0) useful  

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