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Lobster at Home

Grilled Lobster

Page 40

| Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Review

20th October 2011

Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT

A different strategy with lobster - you cut them in half (while alive - yuck), remove the intenstine and head innards, and grill them on a hot grill.

This might not be a fair review - the grill where we were staying was acting up and not getting hot enough. We needed to cook them longer, and even ended up finishing them in the oven.

So - if you embark on this plan - first test your grill! - you don't want to waste lobster on a mechanical failure.

I also think that smoke would have made this better - we used gas but had no wood chips.

(1) useful  


aj12754 - 21st October 2011
You are a better woman than I! Lobster at home is definitely the culinary frontier I seem unable to cross. But I will enjoy reading your reviews from this book.

PS -- I do love Jasper White ever since seeing him with Julia on the old master chefs series.

(edited 21st October 2011) 

Queezle_Sister - 21st October 2011
Hi AJ - I enjoy lobster while visiting New England, and not in Utah. This book is at my mother's house. Hopefully I'll visit often and try more recipes. Next time I'll buy new gas before I start the grill.


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