Website: King Arthur Flour

Chicago-Style Deep-Dish Pizza


| Course Type: Main Courses

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Tags: sausage

Recipe Reviews

9th April 2012

Zosia from Toronto, ON

Great recipe! I’m usually wary of King Arthur recipes as I‘ve had a few failures but I liked the sound of this.

I wasn’t quite sure when I would be making it so I made the dough and prepped all my ingredients the night before. When I finally had the chance, I removed the dough from the fridge and allowed it to come to room temp for 2 hours. I had no problems stretching it into the pan…it seemed as though the gluten had completely relaxed with the overnight rest.

I followed the assembly instructions after pre-baking the crust. I used a 12” pan, instead of 14”, so my crust is a little out of proportion with the filling. I didn’t mind because the crust was delicious and a great foil for all of the sausage, cheese and tomatoes (I used canned crushed tomatoes, drained before seasoning) in the filling.

I don’t know how authentic this is but it was a huge hit and a nice change from the thin, crispy crust pizza with minimal topping that I normally make.

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