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The Best Recipes in the World

Chicken and Chickpea Tagine with Vanilla

Page 285

Cuisine: Moroccan/Algerian/Tunisian | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

11th April 2012

andrew from Vancouver Island, BC

My wife loved this, and my 9-year-old gobbled it up (without chicken though, as she's not much of a meat eater). It has an unusual flavour with the addition of half a vanilla bean - really out of the ordinary if you've not experienced the use of what in the West are spices commonly used in sweet dishes being used in savoury dishes. With nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger plus raisins, it really does have a holiday sort of feel about it.

I would have added more heat, and when I served it I mixed in a little harissa paste, which was just perfect and brought it up to 4 stars in my view.

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