The Cook's Illustrated Cookbook: 2,000 Recipes from 20 Years of America's Most Trusted Cooking Magazine

Slow-Roasted Beef
Page 389
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Main Courses
Recipe Reviews
BethNH from , NH
It's easy to make an expensive roast taste delicious. It's much more difficult to take a cheap roast and cook it so that it's moist and tender.
Eye of Round roasts are always marked down at my supermarket. I've never known quite how to cook them so they don't turn into leather. This method has you salt the roast for 24 hours prior to cooking (actual time was more like 19 hours). The roast is then cooked in a very low oven and finally finished in the oven with the residual heat after the oven is turned off.
At the end of the appointed time, I had a wonderfully cooked roast that was pink, juicy and tender.
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