Culinaria Germany
By Konemann
Ullmann Publishing - 2006
ISBN: 3833125985

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Culinaria Germany

Basic Spaetzle / Spätzle, Grundrezept

Page 330

Cuisine: German/Austrian/Swiss | Course Type: Sides

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Tags: home cooking German Southern German comfort food swiss

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4th February 2013


I was always intimidated by spaetzle, but it is actually very easy, hard to screw up. I also like that the ingredients are very easy to scale - 1 egg to 100g flour. I don't own a spaetzle maker, so I cut the spaetzle y hand but I find it really easy to do once I learned the technique. I spread the dough out on a wooden cutting board with my extra-large icing spatula and cut it with the spatula, occasionally dipping the spatula in the boiling water in the pot. The spaetzle cuts better when the "knife" is hot, wet, or both.

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