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The Enchanted Broccoli Forest...and Other Timeless Delicacies
By Mollie Katzen
Ten Speed Press - 1982
ISBN: 0898150787

The Enchanted Broccoli Forest: And Other Timeless Delicacies
By Mollie Katzen
Ten Speed Press - 1982
ISBN: 0898150787

The Enchanted Broccoli Forest

Fresh Corn Chowder

Page 10

Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Soups and Stews

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

18th September 2009

andrew from Vancouver Island, BC

This is a nice, solid corn chowder recipe. It has a little potato, celery and red pepper to balance the corn, and is finished with milk to make it creamy. It's also partially blended (about half of the soup) to give it a nicer consistency. The main spices are thyme and basil.

The thyme in particular is important, as it gives it a nice flavour. I also find, though this is a personal preference, that it benefits from a little spice, whether from a dash or three of Tabasco, some dried chiles or cayenne.

(edited 6th October 2009) (0) comment (1) useful  

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