Website: Smitten Kitchen

Japanese Vegetable Pancakes


Cuisine: Fusion | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)

Tags: fast healthy cabbage

Recipe Review

24th May 2013

Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT

Quick to make, quick to cook (though it does involve standing at the stove while you serve), and quite delicious!

These "pancakes" are mostly composed of cabbage, with some carrot and scallions along for the ride. The vegetables are tossed with salt and flour, eggs added, and then you begin to fry.

Most remarkable - after eating these, my 14 yr old daughter wondered why there were cabbage scraps to feed the chickens. She had no idea she had just eaten cabbage for dinner!. The cakes were a tad on the bland side, I'm wondering if a bit of sesame oil in the cooking, or addition of cilantro, wouldn't have given it a bit more zip. Clearly this versatile recipe could be taken in several different directions.

The dipping sauce was very good, and I had to fight to have some left by the time I was able to eat. I also put out hoisin sauce, but Deb's recipe was much better. My advice: double the sauce.

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