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October, 2013

Pizza with Onion and Smoked Mackerel / Uienpizza met gerookte makreel

Page 85

| Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)

Tags: peppers mackerel smoked fish onion pizza smoked mackerel

Recipe Reviews

16th October 2013

friederike from Berlin,

I liked this topping a lot, but DH complained that it wasn't enough. I suspect that it was meant for a smaller pizza, so that might have been the real reason. DH also thought it was slightly bitter (perhaps a burnt onion?) and a bit heavy/greasy, and with the latter, I have to agree. Perhaps we could use less oil for pre-cooking next time?. Also, he said he missed some cheese, but that really wouldn't have worked for this pizza.

The recipe didn't say anything about using a tomato sauce; but as it uses an instant pizza dough which usually comes with a jar of tomato sauce, and the pizza in the picture clearly had tomato sauce on it, we used a jar of tomato sauce we still had left over.

You can also find this recipe online here.

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