Website: Waitrose Cooking and Recipes

Braised salmon with tomato, cinnamon and black mustard seeds


| Course Type: Main Courses

(2 reviews)

Tags: fish healthy ottolenghi

Recipe Review

30th December 2013


Loved this. I got a 380g piece of salmon, a long half recipe, but made more or less all of the recipe (spices and sauce). Ed said it would like have liked more of the sauce!

Marinating the salmon for two hours (I'm pretty sure less time would do) makes this dish not suitable for a weeknight. But it might be quite good for a company dish. You could make the sauce ahead up to the point where you add the salmon. Then reheat and add the salmon just before serving.

(0) useful  


Queezle_Sister - 31st December 2013
I'm so glad you liked this!


kaye16 - 31st December 2013
Thank you for finding the recipe!


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