Website: Serious Eats

Gluten Free All Day Lemon Cake


| Course Type: Cakes

(2 reviews)
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Tags: lemon orange cake Gluten free zu citrus cake glutenfree

Recipe Review

15th June 2015

kateq from annapolis, md

This cake is a knockout! Five out of five tasters LOVED it and were amazed that it was gluten free. I went with the lemon syrup glaze on top and really was impressed. The texture of the cake is perfect. I found it best to put all the dry ingredients in a large bowl and whisk them well (in lieu of sifting) and to put all the wet in another and whisk that well and then combine the two. I also found it best to bake about 35 minutes--the cake begins to get a delicate brown around the edges.
I'm looking to forward to trying this with orange in stead of lemon and perhaps lime with some chopped mango in the batter.

(0) useful  


bunyip - 22nd June 2015
No less an authority than Rose Levy Berenbaum recommends whizzing dry ingredients for about 15 seconds in a food processor as superior to sifting. I always do that now - try it next time.


Queezle_Sister - 23rd June 2015
whoa - that is super cool! I hate sifting dry ingredients.
Oh and the cake sounds quite excellent, too.


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