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Mollie Katzen's Vegetable Heaven: Over 200 Recipes for Uncommon Soups, Tasty Bites, Side Dishes, and Too Many Desserts

Tomato Fennel Consomme

Page 31

Cuisine: French | Course Type: Soups and Stews

(1 review)

Tags: soup fennel tomato consomme

Recipe Reviews

30th August 2014


This recipe was a God-send to me the year I joined a CSA. I had never had that much fennel in my house all at once. What to do? This lovely, delicate consomme is the answer. I was drinking it for breakfast, during the day for a refresher, or as a light dinner when no one was home needing to be fed. Keep it in single serving size mason jars in the fridge, and tuck one in your bag on your way out the door. It will come in handy no matter what.

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