By Angela Boggiano
Cassell Illustrated - 2006
ISBN: 1844035484

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Cornish Pasties

Page 95

Cuisine: English/Scottish | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)

Tags: quiches pies and tarts

Recipe Reviews

10th December 2014

friederike from Berlin,

Not impressed. The pastry is very similar to the Short Cut Pastry in that the fat is first frozen, then grated into the flour, which makes it a very fast and cold pastry - but unfortunately, this recipe uses lard, and lard doesn't freeze well. Instead, it just made a huge mess and spread out all over the grating wheel of my kitchen machine. Also, the pastry tore easily once I had it rolled out, and tasted really, really dry - not very pleasant!

The filling was nice (definitely nicer than the one of the cornish pasty we had last week in Cornwall! But then again, we discovered too late that it had probably been made in some factory and not in the shop where we bought it), but it was a pain to cut everything into 5 mm cubes! And what kind of joke is this: '250 g beef skirt, chopped into rough cubes about 5 mm square' - rough cubes of 5 mm? You must be joking!

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