By Thomas Keller
Artisan - 2004
ISBN: 1579652395

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Onion Confit

Page 312

Cuisine: French | Course Type: Condiments

(1 review)


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30th March 2019

kateq from annapolis, md

These onions are ethereal! A bit of work--about three pounds of onions sliced very thin--and a bit of time--they cook for a good two hours. getting a stir every twenty minutes or so. But they are worth it! With just a few bay leaves, some thyme and peppercorns, the result is onions that are soft and smooth but still somehow retain a bit of texture. And the flavor is wonderful--sweet onion to the nth degree. So far, I've used them as a garnish, in quiche and to top focaccia. Edited to add that I made them in a really heavy cast iron skillet which worked like a charm.

(edited 30th March 2019) (0) comment (0) useful  

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