Website: New York Times - Recipes

Flattened Chicken Thighs With Roasted Lemon Slices


| Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

22nd May 2021


Halved this but otherwise followed the recipe pretty closely. I did decrease the salt a bit ( thighs were on the small side) and they came out terrific - moist, flavorful and nice crispy skin. I also added a can of drained chickpeas before putting in the oven for 20 minutes (at 450). I wish there had been a little more liquid/sauce because that was delicious. Next time I may add some white wine or a little lemon juice, maybe some olives towards the end of baking. By the way I was a little worried about the lemon in my cast iron but it was fine.

(edited 22nd May 2021) (0) comment (0) useful  

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