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Recipes for an Arabian Night: Traditional Cooking from North Africa & the Middle East

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Almond Soup 1
Chick-pea Harira 1

Recipes listed from this edition: 2

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Chick-pea Harira reviewed by Queezle_Sister

26th May 2012

These flavors just did not really come together. I had high hopes for this recipe. It sounded interesting - the cookbook says this is the food with eaten to break the fast during Ramadan. The recipe starts off in the usual way for a Moroccan dish -...
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Almond Soup reviewed by Queezle_Sister

23rd May 2012

Surprisingly tasty - for a simple and unusual recipe. My assignment for our next cookbook club is soup, and because there is generally a lot of food at these events, I want something not too heavy. This recipe caught my eye as I've never tried an almond...
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