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Vegetable Harvest: Vegetables at the Center of the Plate

Pork Sausage with Potatoes and Red Wine Vinaigrette

Page 128

Cuisine: French | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

8th February 2011

Cooksbakesbooks from Lincoln, NE

This was a hit at my New Year's Eve gathering, 2010. It was incredibly easy to put together, and extremely forgiving in terms of the time you could ignore it while the sausages and potatoes were simmering. People came late, and the sausages and potatoes held well, simmering, for an hour with no loss in quality. When people arrived, I mixed the meat and potatoes with the vinaigrette in a colorful ceramic baking dish and garnished it with rosemary sprigs and it was so warming and delicious. If we could award half stars, this would get 4 1/2.

(edited 8th February 2011) (0) comment (0) useful  

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