Chinese Cuisine: Szechwan Style
Beef with Green Pepper (青椒牛肉片, qīng jiāo niú ròu piān)
Page 52
Tags: peppers beef stir-fry hot chilli keeper chinese cooking
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
Really, really delicious. The two red peppers were somewhat hotter than I expected; next time I would probably use 1 or 1 1/2. The dish was relatively simple, with slightly less cutting work to do and fewer steps. We stir-fried the meat instead of deep-frying it, which worked perfectly well. The meat was especially delicious, very tender, though I couldn't figure out whether that was due to the marinade or the quality of the meat or anything else.
(edited 1st November 2013) (0) comment (2) useful
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