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The Very Best Of Recipes for Health: 250 Recipes and More from the Popular Feature on

Steel-Cut Oatmeal with Fruit

Page 4

Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Breakfast/Brunch

(2 reviews)
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Recipe Review

22nd September 2012

Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT

Creamy steel-cut oats! I love this grain, but tend to not prepare it because of its fairly long cook time.

In this recipe, you mix milk with water (1:1), and do a long cook (2x15 minutes). After the first 15 minutes, you add some dry fruit and sweetner. I added raisins, but held off on the sweet till the end. Then I added about 1 T maple syrup.

You are also instructed to add fresh fruit - so I added half a peach.

I like creamy hot cereals - and the addition of milk at the beginning made this richer than versions cooked in water.

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