By Jane Lawson
Uitgeverij Terra Lannoo - 2011
ISBN: 9789089893826

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Grilled Haloumi Salad with Herb Dressing / Salade van gegrilde haloumi met kruidendressing

Page 102

| Course Type: Salads

(1 review)

Tags: cucumber salad tomato cheese haloumi mozzarella

Recipe Reviews

11th September 2012

friederike from Berlin,

The haloumi didn't really work. We cut it into 1cm thick slices, as instructed; yet by the time one side was grilled, the other had already cooled of. Needless to say, it was cold (and rubbery) within five minutes once we added it to the salad.

The salad itself was very delicious, very fresh and aromatic. I wonder whether it might be a good idea to substitute the haloumi with (salted, not grilled) mozzarella. I forgot to buy olives, but actually I didn't miss them.

Serves 4 as a side.

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