Modern Moroccan
By Ghillie Bhasan
Hermes House - 2003
ISBN: 1846813840

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Modern Moroccan

Pale Courgette and Cauliflower Salad

Page 14

Cuisine: Moroccan/Algerian/Tunisian | Course Type: Salads

(1 review)

Tags: salad cauliflower courgette side

Recipe Reviews

4th June 2013

friederike from Berlin,

I wasn't very impressed; actually it felt like two dishes in one (though that was less exciting than it sounds). On one hand you had mushy cauliflower, on the other thick slices of roasted courgette, and there was just no middle ground at all. Now, had the cauliflower been roasted, that would have been something entirely else. I could really see that work, and I think I'll try some day.

Served with Zahlouk and flatbread, and could have made a wonderful meal for two or three.

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