The Italian Slow Cooker
By Michele Scicolone
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt - 2010
ISBN: 054700303X

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The Italian Slow Cooker

Tuscan Kale and Cannellini Soup with Garlic Croutons

Page 36

Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Soups and Stews

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

9th February 2015

kateq from annapolis, md

A great soup and so easy--but I did make a number of changes. First, I made my dried beans in the slow cooker, then skipped the sauteing of the onion and garlic and instead added it right into the slow cooker. I chose not to puree the beans, but to allow some to become mashed and some stay whole, a texture I prefer. I didn't realize I had no sage until the soup was underway so I used rosemary. Finally, I skipped the croutons. But credit this recipe with creating a soup with a very rich flavor despite the simplicity of the ingredients and the method.

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