Aufläufe, Gratins und Souffles.
By Cornelia Adam
Gräfe und Unzer Verlag - 1991
ISBN: 9783774210387

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Aufläufe, Gratins und Souffles.

Savoy Cabbage and Minced Meat Casserole / Hackfleisch-Wirsing-Auflauf

Page 34

Cuisine: German/Austrian/Swiss | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)

Tags: blue cheese minced meat cabbage gratins and casseroles

Recipe Reviews

29th November 2009

friederike from Berlin,

A perfectly fine casserole with an unorthodox combination of flavours (cabbage, mince meat and blue cheese, anyone?).

In the beginning I was a little sceptical about how the blue cheese would blend in, but I was pleasantly surprised. Nonetheless, the taste of the blue cheese was quite strong; I suppose it might not have turned out that way if we really had used a Roquefort and not a stronger (and cheaper) Danica Blue, so it’s definitely worth it to either choose a milder blue cheese, or mix the blue cheese with another mild and creamy cheese (BF’s suggestion is a goat’s cheese, but somehow that doesn’t really fit my definition of creamy mild cheese…)

(edited 18th June 2014) (0) comment (0) useful  

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