Beard on Pasta
By James Beard
Random House Value Publishing - 1994
ISBN: 0517119277

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Beard on Pasta

Salmon-Dill Salad with Pasta Shells

Page 191

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

22nd September 2019


I'm a little be unsure of the proportions as written, but the result was very good. I served as a starter and we had a bit left for a munch the next day.

Any tiny pasta will work; I used some little shells. I used 3oz for two. Had 90g of smoked salmon; I'm sure smoked trout would be fine. The dressing is equal parts mayo and yogurt, with some minced shallot and fresh dill. (Dried dill would probably work if you let it sit around a bit before serving.)

Simple and really tasty.

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