Moosewood Cookbook
By Mollie Katzen
Ten Speed Press - 1992
ISBN: 0898154901

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Other edition(s)

The New Moosewood Cookbook (Mollie Katzen's Classic Cooking)
By Mollie Katzen
ISBN: 1580081304

The Moosewood Cookbook
By Mollie Katzen
Ten Speed Press - 1977
ISBN: 0913668680

The New Moosewood Cookbook (Mollie Katzen's Classic Cooking)
By Mollie Katzen
Ten Speed Press - 2004
ISBN: 1580081355

The Moosewood Cookbook
By Mollie Katzen
Ten Speed Press - 1977
ISBN: 0913668699

Moosewood Cookbook

Russian Cabbage Borscht

Page 27

Cuisine: Russian | Course Type: Soups and Stews

(4 reviews)
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Recipe Review

18th May 2012

Zosia from Toronto, ON

I grew up eating variations of this soup and my favourite has always been one that’s jam-packed with vegetables. This recipe fits the bill.

Previous reviewers of this recipe have commented on the awkward size of the vegetables – I make the adjustment before cooking by dicing, not slicing, the potatoes, and shredding the peeled beets. I make one other adjustment to the recipe, a trick I learned from my mother that prevents the leaching of all of the beets’ glorious colour out to the broth: I cook only 1 raw beet with the potato; the remaining 2-3 beets are roasted, peeled, shredded and added to the soup at the end of cooking to be heated through. This way, most of them retain their true colour while intensifying the colour of the broth.

To make this a more substantial soup, I often add white beans; with this batch, I added the fresh beet greens to the soup along with the roasted beets.

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