Moosewood Cookbook
By Mollie Katzen
Ten Speed Press - 1992
ISBN: 0898154901

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Other edition(s)

The New Moosewood Cookbook (Mollie Katzen's Classic Cooking)
By Mollie Katzen
ISBN: 1580081304

The Moosewood Cookbook
By Mollie Katzen
Ten Speed Press - 1977
ISBN: 0913668680

The New Moosewood Cookbook (Mollie Katzen's Classic Cooking)
By Mollie Katzen
Ten Speed Press - 2004
ISBN: 1580081355

The Moosewood Cookbook
By Mollie Katzen
Ten Speed Press - 1977
ISBN: 0913668699

Moosewood Cookbook

Waldorf Deluxe (Salad)

Page 57

Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Salads

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

17th February 2011

Peckish Sister from Central, FL

This is a most satisfying Waldorf salad. It should be served fresh or only add the nuts as you serve it. The citrus dressing seems very thin when you mix it up, but is just right for a bright fruity touch. The toasted pecans dominate with an amazing and really distinctive flavor. The finely chopped dates add tiny bursts of sweetness that do not overwhelm or become hard like raisens in a traditional Waldorf salad. I was a little dubious about the cheese, but it smoothes out the acid from the apple nicely. This recipe is perfect as it is.

(edited 17th February 2011) (0) comment (0) useful  

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