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How to Eat: Pleasures and Principles of Good Food (Cookery)

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Baked Spiced Aromatic Plums 1
Escalopes of Salmon with Warm Balsamic Vinaigrette 1
South Beach Black Bean Soup 1

Recipes listed from this edition: 3

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Escalopes of Salmon with Warm Balsamic Vinaigrette reviewed by kaye16

1st August 2019

This was a hit. No idea exactly what a salmon scallop should be. I had two dos de saumon, rather thin, and they were perfect cooked 1min/side twice (4min altogether). The "sauce", which is nothing but olive oil and balsamic vinegar warmed, was surprisingly...
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Baked Spiced Aromatic Plums reviewed by Sovay

22nd October 2012

This is the recipe I most often cook from this book, and is basically Plums in Mulled Wine. It makes a good alternative to Christmas Pudding as it has the appropriate spiciness but is a much lighter finale to a heavy meal (my family usually has the Christmas...
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South Beach Black Bean Soup reviewed by Sovay

22nd October 2012

This made a pretty good soup - I felt it didn't have quite enough body to start with so processed a few of the beans along with the onion and pepper &c. I shall probably make it again and may try adding a little cocoa (about a level teaspoon) for...
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