Moosewood Cookbook
By Mollie Katzen
Ten Speed Press - 1992
ISBN: 0898154901

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Other edition(s)

The New Moosewood Cookbook (Mollie Katzen's Classic Cooking)
By Mollie Katzen
ISBN: 1580081304

The Moosewood Cookbook
By Mollie Katzen
Ten Speed Press - 1977
ISBN: 0913668680

The New Moosewood Cookbook (Mollie Katzen's Classic Cooking)
By Mollie Katzen
Ten Speed Press - 2004
ISBN: 1580081355

The Moosewood Cookbook
By Mollie Katzen
Ten Speed Press - 1977
ISBN: 0913668699

Moosewood Cookbook

Gypsy Soup

Page 5

| Course Type: Soups and Stews

(2 reviews)

Tags: soups vegan veggies

Recipe Reviews

25th February 2011

Leeka from Hamilton, ON

This is a heartwarming and beautiful soup. The colours and flavours of the broth and vegetables are warm and attractive. I've never used this particular combination of seasonings together - turmeric, basil, paprika and pinch of cayenne. I liked the flavour.

I had to add a little more water to the pot after adding in the chickpeas and peppers or it would have been more like a very thick stew.

(edited 12th March 2012) (0) comment (1) useful  

1st February 2010

Cooksbakesbooks from Lincoln, NE

This is a uniquely seasoned soup. The paprika and turmeric kind of jump out and grab you by the collar and, depending on your preference for those spices, you may either feel embraced, or assaulted.

I crave this soup from time to time, and if I have chick peas that I have cooked myself (not canned), and all of the other ingredients on hand (or appropriate substitutions--asparagus is good here, in place of the bell pepper), I will find myself reaching for the recipe. This is kind of quintessential American vegetarian fare; retro in a good way.

(edited 29th September 2010) (0) comment (1) useful  

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