kaye16's Reviews

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3 recipe(s) reviewed. Showing 1 to 3Sort by: Title | Date | Rating

Bistro Cooking

By Patricia Wells, Judy Kleiber Jones
Workman Pub Co - 1989

5th November 2020

Smoked Potatoes : page 146

An interesting way to prepare baked potatoes. Mine took more than one hour to cook, maybe because I used my toaster over and the dish took most of the space. An extra 20min got them done. I used slices of smoked bacon, rather than a thick slice of smoked country bacon, whatever that might be in France.

useful (0)  

Good stuff, and easy.

I set the time for 6 minutes. With about 1:30 left it was looking awfully raw still, so I plopped a lid on. At 6min I thought it might have been too done, but the thick part of the fillets was perfect.

useful (0)  

16th March 2016

Thon à L'Ail Arrantzaleak : page 142

Really good. The garlic sauce for the broiled tuna sounded doubtful -- lots of garlic, sautéed, then mixed with red wine vinegar -- but it was perfect.

useful (1)